Coverage from PLA: Outreach and building community

This nice write-up of our PLA session last month by Jason Wieder was published in Public Libraries Online: A Publication of the Public Library Association: “The 2024 Public Library Conference was the experience of a lifetime. Along with the opportunity to network with peers, I met my library hero, Mychal Threets. I also attended several […]

Speaker: Ben Caldwell (book talk)

We are pleased to host pioneering artist Ben Caldwell. Join us on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 5:30pm. The event will be hosted in the AU Game Center, DMTI room 113. More on Caldwell: Caldwell will also be talking about his sustained art and innovation practice in Leimert Park. He is a collaborator with the […]

Presenting at PLA in Columbus

Join us in Columbus, OH, on April 5, 2024, at the annual Public Library Association. Our topic: “Engaging Beyond Our Walls: Making Neighborhood Games and Outdoor Storytelling,” led by David Quick of DC Public Library and Benjamin Stokes of American University. DESCRIPTION: “Can your library empower residents to design their own outdoor games and bring […]

Presenting at the EdGames Expo (federal games showcase)

Earlier this week (Sept. 20, 2023) we were proud to present our Hive Mechanic system at the annual EdGames Expo. This public event is the primary federal showcase of “game-changing innovations” across 50 federal government programs, and is organized primarily by the US Department of Education. It was a thrill to showcase our work alongside […]

Poster on Recent Work

For a presentation to the Board of American University, I created a large poster (4×3 foot) of our lab’s recent work: My goal was to show a visual snapshot of the kind of research we do. Of course, I couldn’t include everything, and so I picked a cluster of projects that seemed to tell a […]

Using WordPress as a Hive Mechanic Media Manager

Sending images via text message is one of the great things about Hive Mechanic. One way to make this easier is by using WordPress to manage your multimedia. Let me explain… Sending multimedia for anything made in Hive Mechanic requires the file to be online and accessible through a URL that ends with a filetype […]