Earlier this week (Sept. 20, 2023) we were proud to present our Hive Mechanic system at the annual EdGames Expo. This public event is the primary federal showcase of “game-changing innovations” across 50 federal government programs, and is organized primarily by the US Department of Education. It was a thrill to showcase our work alongside some of our favorite educational game designers, publishers like PBS games, and researchers with fascinating pilot projects in civic media.
One contribution: We revealed our new map of the 30+ cities and towns that have used Hive Mechanic in the past year as part of our IMLS project with public libraries.
We were actively recruiting aspiring neighborhood storytellers and outdoor game makers. Unlike last fall where we just accepted libraries, this year we are accepting partners and friends of public libraries. Here’s our new poster:
Our team from the Playful City Lab included MFA alum Meagan Couture, PhD student Eric Schoenborn, and MA student Kristen Marcinek.
For more, read about Hive Mechanic as a tool.