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Download the full report PDF (35 pages, 13 MB).  Or see the project overview, list of cities, discussion articles, press release, and more!

Citation suggestion: Stokes, Benjamin, Dols, Samantha, and Hill, Aubrey. (2018). “Cities Remix a Playful Platform: Prominent Experiments to Embed Pokémon GO, from Open Streets to Neighborhood Libraries.” American University in Washington, DC. Retrieved from

Contents of the PDF:

  1. Introduction
  2. Provocations on the future of cities (x5)
  3. Summary of City Experiments
  4. Three models
    1. Model 1: Open Streets (from San Jose to Philadelphia)
      1. Aligning game locations
      2. Glocal maps
      3. Economic battles
      4. Shifting the demographics
      5. High contrast: Philly Free Streets
      6. Scavenger hunt (meta-game)
      7. Self-mobilizing groups
    2. Model 2: Persistent neighborhood routes and tours (Philadelphia libraries)
    3. Model 3: Sharing power to negotiate the data layer (Boston)
      1. Youth voice and a Boston rewrite
  5. Conclusions
  6. References


<< additional pictures and more in our Report Overview on Pokémon GO and Playful Cities